January 18, 2025

FLASHTRAB Arrester Phoenix Contact adalah perangkat penahan surge petir /tegangan kejut petir atau juga di sebut dengan tegangan paku yang di desain untuk mampu membelokkan arus yang besar diletakkan sisi depan jaringan daya atau di istilahkan arrester tahap 1 / level I.

Secara fungsi arrester ini akan membelokkan tegangan kejut petir dan mengalirkannya menuju ground, perletakan arrester di jalur awal (setelah meter PLN atau Genset) karena alat ini akan mampu menahan tegangan dan arus kejut yang besar akan tetapi masih ada kemungkinan terlepasnya arus petir (surge). Terlepasnya arus petir ini disebabkan oleh keterbatasan peralatan (komponen) yang ditanam di FLASHTRAB.

Jadi arrester level 1 adalah peralatan arrester yang diletakkan di sisi depan jaringan daya dan apabila terjadi kelebihan tegangan akan melepas tegangan lebih ke grounding.

Ada 2 tipe :

FLASHTRAB Compact Plus

  1. Single-Phase
  2. Two-Phase
  3. Three-Phase
  4. N/PE spark Gap
  5. Replacement Connector


  1. Spark Gap with Quenching Aid
  2. Encapsulated Spark Gap
  3. N/PE Spark Gaps

FLASHTRAB Compact Plus

FLASHTRAB Compact Plus

FLASHTRAB Single Phase+N
No. 2882682
Neutral Conductor and earth Separate (N and PE)
Pluggable lighting current arrester, in acc. with type 1/class I/B for 1-phase power supply networks with separately installed PE and N (L1, PE, N).
No. 2882695
Neutral Conductor and earth Combined (PEN)
Pluggable lighting current arrester, in acc. with type 1/class I/B for 1-phase power supply networks with combined PE and N (L1, PEN) installed in one cable.
No. 2882640
Neutral Conductor and earth Separate (N and PE)
Pluggable lighting current arrester, in acc. with type 1/class I/B for 3-phase power supply networks with combined PE and N (L1, L2, L3, PE, N).
No. 2882653
Neutral Conductor and earth Separate (PEN)
Pluggable lighting current arrester, in acc. with type 1/class I/B for 3-phase power supply networks with combined PE and N (L1, L2, L3, PEN) installed in one cable.
No. 2859754
Encapsulated pluggable Class I arresters as N/PE spark gap with an ignition mechanism for triggering the sparkover voltage.

No. 2859913
Type 1 / Class I / B arrester (lightning arrester) replacement plug for paths L-N and L-PEN, can be combined with FLASHTRAB compact series of products.
No. 2859686
Type 1 / Class I / B arrester (lightning arrester) replacement plug for path N-PE, can be combined with FLASHTRAB compact series of products.



1. Spark Gap with Quenching Aid

Protection Level 900 V
No. 2818643
Type 1 / Class I / B arrester (lightning current arrester) with arc chopping spark gap and ignition electronics, quenching plates for high mains follow-through current quenching capacity, 1-channel. Protection level: 0.9 kV. Housing width: 35 mm (2 Div.)
A : Jm
A : Jm
A : Jm
Protection Level 900 V
No. 2818960

Type 1 / Class I / B arrester (lightning current arrester) with arc chopping spark gap and ignition electronics with control lamp, quenching plates for high mains follow-through current quenching capacity, 1-channel. Protection level: 0.9 kV. Housing width: 35 mm (2 Div.)

A : Jm
A : Jm
A : Jm
Protection Level 1,5 kV
No. 2818520
Type 1 / Class I / B arrester (lightning current arrester) with arc chopping spark gap and ignition electronics, quenching plates for high mains follow-through current quenching capacity, 1-channel. Protection level: 1.5 kV. Housing width: 35 mm (2 Div.)
A : Jm
A : Jm
A : Jm
Protection Level 1,5 kV
No. 2818931
Type 1 / Class I / B arrester (lightning current arrester) with arc chopping spark gap and ignition electronics, quenching plates for high mains follow-through current quenching capacity, 1-channel. Protection level: 0.9 kV. Housing width: 35 mm (2 Div.).
A : Jm
A : Jm
A : Jm
Protection Level 2,5 kV
No. 2818944

Type 1 / Class I / B arrester (lightning current arrester) with arc chopping spark gap and ignition electronics, quenching plates for high mains follow-through current quenching capacity, 1-channel. Protection level: 2. kV. Housing width: 35 mm (2 Div.)

A : Jm
A : Jm
A : Jm
Protection Level 2,5 kV
No. 2818957

Type 1 / Class I / B arrester (lightning current arrester) with arc chopping spark gap and ignition electronics with control lamp, quenching plates for high mains follow-through current quenching capacity, 1-channel. Protection level: 2.5 kV. Housing width: 35 mm (2 Div.)

A : Jm
A : Jm
A : Jm
Protection Level 4 kV
No. 2816386
Type 1 / Class I / B arrester (lightning current arrester) with arc chopping spark gap, quenching plates for high mains follow-through current quenching capacity, 1-channel. Protection level: 4 kV. Housing width: 35 mm (2 Div.)
A : Jm
A : Jm
A : Jm

2. Encapsulated Spark Gap

Protection Level 900 V
No. 2817411 ~ 2817424
FLT 35 CTRL-0.9 ~ FLT 35 CTRL-0.9/L
Type 1 / Class I / B arrester (lightning current arrester) with encapsulated arc chopping spark gap and ignition electronics, 1-channel. Protection level: 0.9 kV. Housing width: 17.5 mm (1 Div.) ( /L: with Led)
A : Jm
A : Jm
A : Jm
Protection Level 900 V
No. 2856317
FLT 35/3+1 CTRL-0.9/I
Type 1 / Class I / B arrester (lightning current arrester) with encapsulated arc chopping spark gap and ignition electronics with control lamp, 4-channel for 3 + 1 circuit. Protection level: 0.9/ 1.5 kV. Housing width: 70 mm (4 Div.)
A : Jm
A : Jm
A : Jm
Protection Level 1,5 kV
No. 2816894 ~ 2817437
FLT 35 CTRL-1.5 ~ FLT 35 CTRL-1.5/I
Type 1 / Class I / B arrester (lightning current arrester) with encapsulated arc chopping spark gap and ignition electronics, 1-channel. Protection level: 1.5 kV. Housing width: 17.5 mm (1 Div.) (/L: with Led
A : Jm
A : Jm
A : Jm
Protection Level 4 kV
No. 2838940
FLT 35-260
Type 1 / Class I / B arrester (lightning current arrester) with encapsulated arc chopping spark gap, 1-channel. Housing width: 17.5 mm (1 Div.)
A : Jm
A : Jm
A : Jm